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Student Life at UF

Lavender Graduation

  • At the University of Florida, the Office of LGBTQ+ Affairs organizes the annual Lavender Graduation Ceremony with support of other campus partners. Undergraduate and graduate students who identify as LGBTQ+ or an ally of the LGBTQ community and are graduating in the year of the ceremony are eligible to apply. The ceremony includes dinner, provided by the University, as well as a short program featuring a keynote speaker and the recognition of graduating students followed by a reception off-campus. LGBTQ+ faculty and staff as well as guests of graduates are encouraged and invited to attend. 


  • The purpose of the RESPECT Team is to provide impacted parties of bias incidents opportunities to be heard and supported; understand and respond to situations that affect the University of Florida; educate and inform the community; and create awareness of ignorance and intolerance. The RESPECT Team provides services to witness(es), bystander(s), targeted individual(s), offender(s), or a member(s) of the community. The RESPECT Team does not investigate, adjudicate, or take the place of other UF processes or services. Rather, the RESPECT team complements and works with campus entities to connect impacted parties and communities with appropriate support and resources.